Does this look Christmasy enough for you?

Does this look Christmasy enough for you?
We are getting closer and closer to Christmas and it looks like we are going to get a white one this year.
It's very pretty to look at but so much work to shovel all this white fluff.
Kids are happy and play outside for a change, better than them pushing their
video games buttons all day.
I feel for people who have to go to work in this weather;there are hundreds of accidents on highways all over Canada and the U.S.
How can such a beautiful sight brings so much misery?
We are not going to have snow - it'll be about 75 here. I guess snow was never meant to drive in for reasons other than fun.
No snow here and it's 77 degrees. I'm almost jealous of your snow... almost ;-)
Hello Jill and Cube,
Now, I'm jealous of your high 70's
weather. Do you get the sun with it,or just clouds?
I am SICK of snow already and the winter is only a few days old.
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