Sunday, May 03, 2009

Miriam's Kitchen Food Bank


If you would like to go on my Twitter page and Re-Twitt the following:

RT: @bmarler will donate $2,500 to Miriam's Kitchen for 2,500 more followers. @obamafoodorama will match it!

Some generous souls. They'll get 2,500 new followers and Miriam's Kitchen
will get the $2,500.00 to feed the needy.

That's "food from heaven" for the people who need it the most.

Miriam's Kitchen provides free, high-quality services to the homeless in our Nation's Capital every weekday morning through four core programs: Breakfast Program, Case Management Program, After-Breakfast Program and Arnold's Place Transitional Housing Program. Additionally, we will be adding an Evening Program in 2010 to provide our guests with a healthy dinner and critical support services


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