Friday, February 24, 2006

Say Good Bye To February Blahs!

Hold on just a few more days and
that nasty month of february will
be running away to another calendar year!

Yes, it is true, spring is on its way and
we are more than ready for it!

I can't sit still so much I am excited
at the thought of warmer air,wonderful
earthy smell,buds sprouting their
little heads out.And the hundreds of new
colors in nature. No more white on white.

How am I going to make the days go faster
so I can get to March 21st 2006?

Looking at websites for gardening,landscaping
and growing vegetables, that's how.

I found this wonderful place where you can get
excited for growing stuff,go and have a visit
you'll love it there.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

A Good Laugh For Today

You won't find a cartoon with this article
but you're sure to get a good laugh.
